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International students of SibMed took part in the sports festival


On Sunday, September 2, on the “Politekhnik” stadium, first-year students of three leading Tomsk universities celebrated the beginning of a new academic year. More
than 3,000 students took part in the sports festival.

The event started with a parade of universities: first-year students of three Tomsk universities – TSU, TPU and SibMed – marched with flags and chants and lined up on the stadium. They were welcomed by Deputy Governor of Tomsk Region for Internal Affairs Sergei Ilyinykh and rectors of the universities.

Sergei Ilyinykh congratulated the students on the beginning of a new academic year. “Now you are students of the leading universities in Russia. These three universities are the biggest in Tomsk and all have century-long history and traditions. No matter what you do in the future, be the best in your field and make Tomsk Region and Russia better” Deputy Governor said.

Olga Kobyakova, Rector of SibMed, greeted the first-year students and emphasized that they should try to do their best to help their body leave a long and healthy life. To achieve this, it is necessary to eat healthy food, give up bad habits, be physically active, and avoid stresses. Olga Kobyakova taught the students how to fight stress with physical activity. Everyone on the stadium, including rectors and Deputy Governor, did 20 push-ups. The sports festival finished with a work-out with professional instructors.