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Head of State Road Traffic Safety Inspection met with SibMed students


Foreign SibMed students and Olga Kobyakova, SibMed Rector, took part in a preventive meeting with Vyacheslav Tretschev, Chief state road traffic safety inspector of Tomsk region.

One of the peculiar features of Siberian State Medical University is that more than 80% of its students come from other cities and countries.

Vyacheslav Tretschev said that the main task of State Road Traffic Safety Inspection is to prevent road accidents resulting in people’s injuries and deaths. According to statistics, 40% of all traffic accidents involve people aged 18-30. In order to protect young people from such tragic accidents, it is necessary to raise their awareness of the importance of following traffic rules.

 ‘Since childhood we’ve heard about traffic safety rules and we think that we know them like the back of our hand. However, every year a lot of people die on the roads both in Tomsk region and all over Russia. This can be explained by many reasons, including inattention’ Olga Kobyakova, SibMed Rector, noted.

Foreign students can easily get confused, since traffic rules differ from country to country. While communicating with Head of Tomsk State Road Traffic Safety Inspection, a student from Nigeria was surprised to know that it is prohibited to cross the road over a pedestrian subway.

The goals that state road traffic safety inspectors pursue when holding such meetings are to raise people’s awareness of the rules of traffic organization in Tomsk and to convince them not to violate these rules to prevent road accidents. At the meeting, the participants watched a film about the consequences of traffic rules violation. Besides, every student had an opportunity to ask Vyacheslav Tretschev a question.