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SibMed Rector congratulated students and employees on Medical Worker's Day


Dear colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday – Medical Worker's Day!

Today I want to express my gratitude to every representative of our noble profession. It is not yet possible to say whether the COVID-19 pandemic is over, but we have coped with its most difficult stages. And each of you contributed to it. 

Working in healthcare is really difficult. It requires special knowledge and experience, enormous physical and mental strength. Your unique skill of combining so many abilities results in the thousands of people's lives saved, grateful eyes of patients and their loved ones. SibMed medical specialists provide the work of a whole complex of clinics and treat more than 100 thousand patients annually. They provide a wide range of services including emergency medical help. 

SibMed has a rich history. We combine the best traditions of scientific schools, clinical practice and medical education. But the most important wealth is people with a special attitude to each other and to patients. 

I sincerely wish you good health! Thank you for your incredible dedication to this profession! It is priceless.  

Sincerely, SibMed Rector

Kulikov Evgeny S.