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SibMed employees received state awards


Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest qualification category, Acting Head of the SibMed Otorhinolaryngology Division Natalia Shcherbik and Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the SibMed Advanced Therapy Division with Rehabilitation Training, Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine Vera Burkovskaya received state awards.  

Natalia Veniaminovna also became the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. Vera Antonovna was awarded the the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 2nd class.

Natalia Shcherbik is a highly qualified clinician with 29 years of experience and diverse professional training in otorhinolaryngology. She performs a wide range of diagnostic tests and surgical interventions on the upper respiratory tract and ear using modern technologies. Moreover, Natalia Shcherbik is actively and successfully engaged in otomicrosurgery with high functional results. 

Vera Burkovskaya graduated from Siberian State Medical University in 1978 with a degree in General Medicine. She has repeatedly undergone advanced training. Vera Burkovskaya is a physician and doctor of the highest qualification category in the field of gastroenterology.