SibMed student developed unique cream for acne skin

"It's no secret that adolescence is associated with the changing hormonal background, which results in acne and post-acne. The project is aimed at developing a cream that solves the problem of dry and peeling skin, eliminates greasy shine and other cosmetic defects observed in acne in adolescents (including the period of treatment)," says Inna Savchenko, a 5th year student of the Pharmacy Department and the author of the project.
The advantage of the product is its composition, which includes a mixture of vegetable oils with a scientifically proven fatty acid profile. This component is important because essential fatty acids are necessary to replenish physiological lipids, which means restoring the protective barrier of the skin. Due to the complex composition, the product has no analogues in the domestic and foreign markets.
"The idea of creating the project came from a great love for cosmetology and pharmacology. Having realized that more than 80% of teenagers face acne and the treatment often takes a long time, I started working on a cream that allows you to restore the skin," added the student.
At the moment, the cream samples are ready. In the near future, it is planned to evaluate their technological parameters. After this stage, clinical trials will take place.
The project became one of the winners of the UMNIK program. The student will now receive half a million rubles for the implementation and development of her project. Earlier, the project received support from SibMed as part of the SibMed.StartUp competition.