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SibMed representatives discussed cooperation between medical universities of Russia and China


SibMed Rector Evgeny Kulikov and Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education and Research Olga Fedorova took part in the anniversary meeting of Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities (ASRMU) and the International Scientific Conference on the Development of Medicine and Pharmaceutics in China and Russia "New Opportunities. New Platform. New Beginning" in Guangzhou.

The meeting was attended by rectors and representatives of about 20 Russian and 45 Chinese medical universities.

The participants discussed the key mechanisms of cooperation – academic exchanges, dual-degree programs, the creation of joint research groups in promising scientific areas – "Regenerative medicine", "Pharmacy and drug development", "AI in medicine".

The participants of the anniversary meeting could enjoy a plenary session dedicated to the results of the Association's work and plans for the future, scientific conferences on biomedicine, genetic and cellular technologies, personalized medicine, the development of high-tech drugs, new medical technologies and IT solutions in healthcare. 

The anniversary meeting included the International Scientific Conference on the Development of Medicine and Pharmaceutics in China and Russia. Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education and Research Olga Fedorova moderated the session "Medical technologies and IT in healthcare", where she also presented the experience of SibMed.  

It was proposed to transform the experiences into new instruments of the common scientific and education policy of the two countries – joint committees and professional associations, the Sino–Russian center for academic programs and ASRMU grant funds.

SibMed is now actively working on the development of international cooperation and in the near future we want to launch a dual-degree program with Chinese partners, a bilingual Dentistry program and a mirror science laboratory


told in his telegram channel Evgeny Kulikov,

SibMed Rector.

Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities includes 105 universities. More than 270 thousand students and teachers took part in the events.