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SibMed celebrated Student's Day


Siberian State Medical University held a festive event to celebrate Student's Day. The event featured sports competitions, creative workshops, intellectual games, and a concert, bringing together students, clinical residents, and post-graduate students of the University.  

The celebration began with sports. The participants competed in relay races and attended workshops on stretching and self-massage, where they received valuable tips on maintaining physical health.   

Participants attended workshops on wax candle making, beadwork, and badge embroidery.  The event also featured a quiz.

The event ended with a concert featuring student performances, contests, prize drawings, and a DJ set.   

Ksenia Danilina, a third-year student of the Pediatrics Department, shared her thoughts on the celebration.

Student's Day was a complete success. I really enjoyed the candle-making workshop—we got to create our own souvenirs. The quiz was a highlight of the event. And thanks for the incredible music! We made the most of our time, recharged our batteries for the upcoming semester, and enjoyed many pleasant bonuses.

— emphasized the student.

Photographer: Nikita Solomanidin