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SibMed will host the 2nd International Conference "Genetic Technologies in Translational Biomedicine


Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Tomsk State University and Bashkir State Medical University invite you to take part in the 2nd International Conference "Genetic Technologies in Translational Biomedicine", which will be held on September 6-8 in Tomsk. The event will be held both online and offline.

At the conference, speakers will present the results of advanced research in the field of genetic technologies for the diagnosis and control of oncological diseases, talk about the latest achievements of world science in the field of immunotherapy for tumors, preclinical research methods and modern problems and achievements of clinical medicine.

Agenda of the conference:

  • Genetic and immunological cancer markers
  • Mechanisms of carcinogenesis and tumor progression
  • Genetic, epigenetic and metabolic programming of immunity in oncological diseases

A poster session and a section for young scientists will be held as part of the conference. A competition for the best report will be held there.

Venue: 2 Moskovsky trakt, Tomsk 

The participation is free.

Conference website