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An excursion route with art patches devoted to Tomsk doctors and scientists opened in Tomsk


The tourist route with art patches "Luminaries of Tomsk Medicine" runs through the historical center of Tomsk and is accompanied by "stories" of an audio guide about the life and work of outstanding doctors and scientists of the Medical Faculty of Imperial Tomsk University and Tomsk Medical Institute (now SibMed).

Nowadays, everything is becoming digital and the relevance of museum's exhibits is significantly decreasing, especially for young people. This excursion route has been designed for a wide audience, including children. Many enthusiasts from different fields were involved in the creation of the project. This allowed us to form a new perception of complex historical facts about medicine and its representatives.

— told Olga Zapuskalova, 

Head of the SibMed Museum complex.

The route includes 12 places where representatives of Siberian State Medical University lived or worked. Among them are Tomsk surgeon and world-renowned scientist, academician Andrei Savinykh; founder of the Siberian urology Vladimir Mysh; physiologist Aleksei Kulyabko, who conducted the world's first experiments on reviving the human heart; doctor, pharmacologist, Honored Scientist of Russia, academician Nikolai Vershinin; physician, scientist and clinician Dmitry Yablokov and other prominent figures. Ceramic art patches along the route depict portraits of people and associated images in a hand-drawn style, as well as QR codes redirecting to an interactive platform . Here you can find the route map and information about the heroes of the project.

You can download the tour to your smartphone using the link. The launch of the project was timed to coincide with the Medical Worker Day. The project was authored by the team of the first museum of Slavic mythology in Tomsk.