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Five SibMed students will receive one million rubles to implement their business projects


The results of the Student Startup competition conducted as part of the national project "University technological entrepreneurship platform" were published. Two thousand projects won the competition. A grant of 1 million rubles will be allocated for the implementation of each project.

In 2024, there were more than 7.7 thousand applications for the Student Startup competition.

The competition had several stages including an online presentation. The expert committee included representatives of the business community, universities, scientific organizations and accelerators. The committee assessed the technological advancement, market prospects, competitiveness and qualifications of the projects.

Here is the list of winners studying at Siberian State Medical University:

  1. Aleksandr Sakharov — a 4th year student of the Biomedicine Department. Project: "Development of a modular biomedical updatable simulator of biological objects _biomediconstructor+";
  2. Sergei Anisimov — a 6th year student of the Biomedicine Department. Project: "Production of implants and exoskeletons for the restoration of fine motor skills";
  3. Aidar Zagidullin — a 4th year student of the General Medicine Department. Project: "An innovative retainer for laboratory animals with a tail vein finder";
  4. Bogdan Masliuk — a 4th year student of the Biomedicine Department. Project: "Elixired";
  5. Ekaterina Bart — a 5th year student of the General Medicine Department. Project: "A simulator for minimally invasive operations on the pelvic organs."

"Student Startup" is a program implemented by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology as part of the national project "University technological entrepreneurship platform". Its purpose is grant support for startup projects of students at Russian universities.